AR and VR for Children: Next Generation Technology

The virtual sector is booming at a great speed and is expected to be worth a 22.9 billion industry by the end of 2020. Today AR and VR are making big waves in the education and learning sector. It is mainly because technology has the immense potential to speed up and improve training and learning, in whichever scenario. This creates limitless opportunities for influential new experiences of exploration, educational learning, discovery, and play.

AR and VR for children create a medium to interact with their body and encourage experiences such as standing, walking, throwing, and crawling. It offers the user an imaginary friend. As these technologies keep on advancing, it also becomes more accessible and affordable.

The Benefits:

Virtual reality is transforming the way a child’s learning and engagement occurs. We, as a provider of AR and VR flashcards for children, share some of the few benefits that make this form of technology so powerful for education.

  • A proper sense of place
         When children read or are taught something new, they often want to experience or see it. With the development of AR and VR technology, they can explore the topic more and live the experience through a form of reality-based learning.For example, rather than just reading a book about the animals in the forest, children can wear a VR headset and be immediately transported to a wildlife sanctuary among animals.

  • Learning by practice
It is commonly known that every individual learns best by practicing. In a today learning environment, students are mainly focused on reading instructions rather than practically practicing them. AR and VR learning tools offer an experience to learn by practicing.

  • Emotional reaction
Visceral reactions play a vital role in forming memories of individual experiences. AR and VR educational learning games helps to engage children while making their whole experience a memorable one.

  • Enhance creativity
Children are exposed to learning not just by reading but seeing the things they learn about. To be able to visualize the complex functioning and mechanisms around our surrounding enhances their creativity and enables them to easily comprehend things.

  • Adaptable process
AR and VR experiences allow students to explore their own space of learning. As Albert Einstein truly said, “I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”
Some research shows that classrooms use AR/VR to employ immersive learning techniques in which children show enhanced understanding and retention.

New teaching method:

The transition from traditional teaching practices to digital ones is going to be the prime way knowledge will be imparted. The role of a teacher will change from content delivery to content facilitation. Teachers will be given new avenues to explore, rather than offering conventional knowledge.


AR and VR learning tools is the window to a new world of learning. The complete methodology to learn can be considered to be safe and effective, along with increasing children’s’ engagement and understanding. Learn more about the educational games for kids, visit our RedChimpz today.
